jueves, 25 de noviembre de 2010

My experience learning English.

In the actuality is very important learning English because is considered a universal language, in all countries of the world there is someone who speaks this language.
Is for this reason that we must learn to speak in English, especially if you’re someone who wants to study abroad or you like to travel.
Actuality in the world with the use of the technology is very easy that you can communication with persons of the diversity places or countries, and sometimes is very necessary know this idiom because in the university, in the work or in the life to you might use.

For all this reasons that in de University of Chile is very important that you students can learn this idiom. In the year 2009 stared the program of English to apply for all the student with subjects innovation. This process has been difficult for me but I have that but I have to admit that I’ve a lot and have developed new skills in this language.
I can now understand the meaning of some songs in English, and recognize some words when I see movies in this language. I can identify the context when I talk with someone who speaks English. All these things were impossible to achieve for me. These two years these two years the level of English has been gradually increasing their difficulty, early in the course learned basic words and now after the course I noticed my evolution and I am very satisfied with what I've learned.
With the help of my classmates and teachers could pass each stage of the English program.
I hope to finish this last stage and happily continue to learn more about this language and so one day fully manage the language.
The teacher have changed during the course did not bring any problem to continue learning.

In conclusion, the University of Chile has successfully implemented an integrated education to students, achieving these new generations to prepare for front of a globalized world, with the ability to speak with professionals other countries and opening the doors for further courses and realize investigation in the abroad.
I am very grateful to the university and the teachers for giving me this opportunity that allows me to be a better professional.

miércoles, 24 de noviembre de 2010

Blog 7: I love traveling!

One of the things that I enjoy in life is to travel .... I love meeting new places, and share different cultures. I usually travel with my family or friends and experience has always been unforgettable. I believe that when you travel you always learn new things and enjoy good times, adventure always brings to life unforgettable emotions.
when I prepare to travel I always feel anxious, and worry about taking things imprecndibles as photographic camera and camcorder, to save the memories of that trip.

I like to visit those places with beautiful scenery, where you can appreciate the wonders of nature, it is important to note that in our country we have a huge diversity of landscapes in the north and south. In northern San Pedro de Atacama is an unforgettable place and being in the desert is wonderful. In the south of the country's vegetation and lakes in contrast to the north, but their views are equally extraordinary.
In the trips I made I learned to know my country and I can say that Chile is a beautiful country !!!...
I also had the opportunity to know Brazil, Iguazu Falls specifically. That was a nice experience as it was my first trip abroad with my friends at school, at that time I have very fond memories and I would go back to that country and enjoy the happiness of its people and its tropical climate.

jueves, 18 de noviembre de 2010

Blog 6: Favorite movies

In general I like many types of movies, especially romantic comedies and horror.
Horror movies I like because I like the suspense and fear, but only when I'm with my friends, because I dare not see them alone.
Romantic and comedy films relax me and make me feel good and always teach me things, though sometimes some romantic movies make me mourn.
I prefer to see these films in the cinema because it is more exciting, the sound is stronger and easier to feel the emotions that the film conveys. But I also love movie night with my friends, I like going out with them, buy things to eat and sit and watch many movies.
Chilean films I dislike, in Chile there has been good horror movies, the latest was made vampire, but vampires do not scare me.
Chile's only movie I like is "Machuca", this is a very entertaining movie, and shows an interesting way the reality of our country some years ago, through the lives of three children.
I think at the Chilean film still has a better develop the plot of the movie, for now I prefer Chilean theater.
There are many films I like, some are: "The Pianist" because it is very deep and exciting, "Titanic" is the classic romantic, "Abatar" is my favorite because it teaches us to share with nature and appreciate our planet.

Blog 5: The brain and learning

Dr. Maldonado is a professional who has conducted a comprehensive study of how the human brain works. Their studies help to understand how they develop different skills, and how the brain reacts to external stimuli. Dr. Maldonado has done many studies and traveled to other countries to discuss this. In considering this I think it is an excellent professional.
In particular I am interested in this topic because I think the human mind has many secrets. Understanding their operation is very complicated, but with the exposure of Dr. Maldonado achieve clarify many questions.
I could understand very complex things that I think are very important and interesting and would like to continue reading about the brain.
The myth that most caught my attention was the one that says, "the human brain takes 10% of its capacity." I had heard many times this statement and thought it was correct, for that reason caught my attention when Dr. Maldonado said that this was not true, because in reality we occupy all our mental capacity, as our brain develops according to environmental stimuli occupying all the areas that form.
About this I think is right, because as we develop the brain attempts to occupy their resources optimally. While I believe that if a person is able to stimulate certain areas of the brain these could be developed further.

martes, 19 de octubre de 2010


The O.M.S defined of stress how “The conjunct of phisiology reactions to prepare the organism for the action” is the relation between a person and the environment.

I understand stress is as a condition in where the body dont have a response not specific for a situation in where the external demand is to exceed the available resources. Some symptoms are irritability, low mood, fatigue, moodiness, muscle pain, headaches, anxiety, but this depend of the person . According to statistics stress affects women more because of hormonal changes lead to increased sensitivity.

Stress have negatively affects in the work the persons because people have little energy and dont want work, the person have confusion and can not think assertively, generally they commit more error of the normal. Some causes of stress is to have little time to resolve dificult situations, have many responsibilities, poor organizational skills confront a dangerous situation, facing a test in college and have a lot of work, etc.

for resolve stress, you have to begin to eat right for strengthen the immune system, run or practice some sport because the sports help you liberate hormons of the happiness. Have a pet or friends too help to dont feeling alone. It has been shown that loneliness contributes to increased depression and stress. Also you can practice alternative therapies for you relax as aromatherapy, relaxation techniques, meditation, yoga, soft music, etc . May also perform some hobby or activity you like, this will help distract you and raise your self-esteem.

martes, 12 de octubre de 2010

Healthy Living

I will write on this topic today because it has great significance because health is essential to have a good quality of life.
For good health it is important to include in our daily routine healthy lifestyles, as do sports, have a good diet based on a healthy diet that includes fruits, vegetables and meats.
Currently it may be difficult to follow these lifestyles, and if we walk around town we encounter many junk food outlets, then it is clear that in our culture healthy lifestyles are not included.But we can acquire good habits in our life searching information about what is an aproppiate diet for you, that includes all the elements of the food pyramid and eat the calories you need, also you should practice sport or go for a walk 30 minutes in the day.
Infomart is important about healthy lifestyles and adapt to your routine, in addition to remove those actions that endanger your health.
Healthy people can not stop playing sports and eating healthy is not a problem for them. People with good habits are informed about foods that contribute positively to your body, and medical check-ups if necessary.
These people know how important it is to look after their health, as it not only benefits them but also their relatives, as an example for your family and friends. They are much happier with a better mood. This is because the sport make the endorphins that improve mood, in addition to good nutrition improves the physical condition of the people, thereby increasing self-esteem.
People with good habits, you can visit the same places as everyone else, but their actions are different, they always opt for something healthier. Perhaps they prefer to go on vacation to places where there is less pollution, which enhances the contact with nature, and where they can play sports.
They can carry any type of clothing, but they always have in your closet a diver for sports, yoga and pilates.

jueves, 9 de septiembre de 2010

My favorite place to leave the city stress and relax is the Elqui Valley in the fourth region of Chile. This is where all my family to go to comprate wonderful time on vacation, we all came to the camp of my uncle, where we can enjoy nature and the charm of being in the mountains, lots of vegetation, rivers and skies free of contamination. We always go when we celebrate the birthday of my grandmother or a family member, we laugh a lot, and discuss the events or anecdotes that have happened in our lives, strengthen our family ties. We arrived at that place some by bus or car, some go first and others later. Usually rich roasts cooked together, then stroll through the surrounding visiting places like Pisco Elqui, Monte Grande, etc.
These places have a lot of history, for example Montegrande is the birthplace of Gabriela Mistral, in that people can go to a museum where there are many things pertaining to our poet, Nobel Prize winner for literature. In Pisco Elqui can find craft fairs and many tourists during the holiday season.
Also in the evenings you can enjoy a beautiful starlit sky, which impresses all who come from big cities to enjoy this mystical place.
I love going to this place because I enjoy it a lot, and I forget all my worries, feel the energy that surrounds you in a different atmosphere.
Unfortunately now that I live in Santiago I can not go very often to this beautiful place.